Seeing YOU and Reconnecting You to Your Truest Self is My Superpower
About Dmitria
Hi there! I’m so happy to share this space with you.
My greatest hope is that you will be inspired to embark on a journey of self-discovery. That you will find your own light within so that you can unlock all of the joy and happiness that life has to offer.
I have been on quite the journey…
I didn’t always know who or what I was. I spent many years mastering the game of life. You know the thing I’m talking about - the expectation to do well in school, get a good education so you can get a good job, build a successful career, find the right partner, etc. etc. etc. All to build the “perfect life” that will then give you the gift of happiness. Well, I did all of that. I reached the peak, a place where I understood how to play the game and win. But you know what didn’t come with that? Happiness. No, to my shock, happiness was not gifted to me on a silver platter as promised.
I had done everything right in life. I had played by the rules. I had everything and yet there was something still missing.
When I reflect back, I can now see the many signs that I was being sent that I ignored. I ignored the feeling deep in my gut, the innate knowing, and kept pushing through to accomplish this unattainable “success.” Those signs and feelings just kept getting stronger and stronger until they could no longer be ignored. I found myself at crossroads in my life, I knew I needed to take a step back to nourish myself and my family. Take time to reassess the path that I was on. I can now see that those feelings were signs, moments when I could have made a choice to move into alignment with myself or take a detour. After a lifetime of detours, I knew it was time to make a different choice. One that would ultimately free my soul and allow my spirit to shine.
As I dug deeper into understanding who I am, I found myself. I found that missing piece in my life. As I reconnected with the forgotten and neglected parts of myself, I was able to reignite a passion, a light, within myself. As that light grew stronger and stronger I found parts of myself that I was unaware even existed. Piecing myself back into wholeness has been the greatest gift I have given myself (and my family).
By returning to wholeness I am now finally able to experience the life of joy and ease I was seeking.
From this place of wholeness I am able to give to others and support their own rediscovery of the parts of them that are lost, forgotten, neglected, and undiscovered. My purpose is to help you discover your own light within. Because as you rediscover yourself, piecing yourself into wholeness, you are able to finally experience the ease that comes from being whole.
Throughout my journey I have been gifted with some truly blessed mystical experiences. These experiences have taught me how to see within and share that with you. I am a trauma informed Yoga Alliance 500-hr Registered Yoga Teacher (500-RYT) and have certifications in Reiki energy healing, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), and Inner Dynamics (Internal Family Systems). I passionately continue to study Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Yoga Therapy, Meditative states, and ancient religions so I can serve at the intersection of the latest science and our human potential.
With this knowing, I help you access your nervous system and retrain your body giving you new awareness to what’s possible in life. The work you embark on brings conscious awareness to changing the patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior so you can create the well-lived life you most desire. I offer you the specific tools and practical practices that bring balance into your life.
I know you can find balance and harmony in your life, allowing you to flow in ease - because I have walked that path. There is a point in life where we can drop the effort for ease, and you are here. You are ready to rediscover yourself.
See yourself in a whole new light. It’s your time to shine.